dinsdag 25 november 2014

Our experiments on the frees. We've tried to engrave two of our alfabets in plexiglas. We thought of braille when we did this. All our experiments are aimed at different kinds of perceiving your handwriting. So with these engravings you can feel them as braille or you can place a blank piece of paper on top of it and scratch with a pencil so the letter becomes visible. With this you can write a note in a different way. 

The other experiment we did was to put a pencil in the frees. The first pencil couldn't handle the pressure and broke, the letters are not that beautiful but that's okay. A balpen worked better because it rolls much easier on the paper. This is the same we tried with the plotter. A machine which writes our handwriting over and over again. This is the start for our machine we want to build.

Why is this relevant?
Through these experiments of findings ways to perceive handwriting in different ways we got an insight is all the possibilities and the richness of handwriting. The combinations we made with a human and a machine were fascinating because the machines got a little bit of humanity through our handwriting. And we think that it's important that our handwriting evolves but does not lose its identity. So this is relevant because we want to keep the handwriting but adjust it to the times we're living in. Cause everything which stays behind will be forgotten and replaced. 

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